🪙Rumble Token - $RUMB

The official and only token of Rumble Worlds

Rumble Coins ($RUMB) is a SPL token for the Rumble Worlds Platform. RUMB token will be used as the in-game currency to play and earn within Rumble Worlds, make purchases of NFTS and Market place items (In-Game Assets and Consumables).

The $RUMB token would also act as a governance for the gameplay where holders will be able to vote on new gameplay content, new reward pools and eventually future gameplay directions.

  1. $RUMB Game Rewards: Players across Rumble Worlds will be able to play various gameplay types (PVP, PVE, Co-op) and Participate in daily quests & events to earn $RUMB rewards. The reward system will also scale and adopt automatically as the player base grows.

  2. $RUMB Game Payments: $RUMB Tokens will be used to pay for entry fees to in-game competitions/tournaments.

  3. In Game NFTs: $RUMB will be the main in game currency used to purchase all in game NFT Characters, Land and In Game Assets.

  4. Staking and Farming: Staking and Farming opportunities for $RUMB will begin post public sale and allow holders to earn rewards of $RUMB and In-Game NFTS.

  5. Governance and DAO: In order to decentralise decision making $RUMB will act as governance token. Holders will be able to participate and will eventually have a vote in decisions about the gameplay features, reward pools and future content.

$RUMB will be the main and only token within Rumble Worlds.

Last updated